"You are stronger than you ever imagined possible. One step, one journey, one new life, you are a warrior"
- Jean Marie Gibbs, Founder

100 iPads
Technology is a crucial element while on the path to recovery from a stroke or traumatic brain injury. An iPad provides many applications for therapy programs as well as opens up the user to the social media world and can even be a pathway to a job. Survivors are often isolated or cannot connect with friends as they would like, and an iPad will help make those connections possible while continuing to recovery on a positive path.
After 100 days of speech, physical and occupational therapy, a survivor is then sent home. They are often left to their own devices and many do not have the financial means to purchase an iPad or make monthly payments for therapy applications.
Pathways Stroke Foundation's iPad initiative is to raise money to provide those that do not have the means purchase this very important piece to their recovery journey.
We are own our way to make this dream come true for many but need your help to reach our goal. Any amount donated to this cause is greatly appreciated and we thank you in advance for your giving to this great cause.

What is Life Force Energy ?
Life Force Energy is the vital energy innate in all living things and available to us within the environment. By harnessing this Life Force Energy and delivering it for therapeutic purposes, a great deal of healing can take place. Tesla Bio Healing has created breakthrough medical devices that have the unique ability of generating a highly concentrated field of pure Life Force Energy so that people in need can finally use this vital force of nature for self-healing purposes
The cells of the body have a special way of organizing intelligence which is why when properly supported they are able to carry out continuous repair and revitalization processes throughout the body.
Life Force Energy has shown remarkable potential in the addressing symptoms of stroke paralysis. High blood pressure is the number one controllable risk factor for stroke. The Life Force Energy generated by Tesla BioHealing OTC Medial Devices have been proven to normalize blood pressure levels, even in a matter of hours, thereby greatly reducing the risk of stroke in a completely natural and drug free way. Other known benefits of Life Force Energy include but are not limited to: ~Increasing brain activity ~Balancing the two hemispheres of the brain ~Increasing the energy quotient in the brain ~Activating rapid brain cell repair and cellular repair throughout the body ~Enhancing cognitive function and motor control thus improving mobility ~Increasing circulation, and even facilitating the de-clumping of blood vessels. People with stroke paralysis who have used the Tesla BioHealing technology have had remarkable results. ~Stroke paralysis patients have been able to regain feeling and coordinated movement in previously paralyzed limbs ~Improved mobility ~Dramatically improve motor control throught the body ~Improve speech patterns ~Greatly increase strength and energy levles ~Improve and stabalize mood Real-world evidence has already been collected regarding the safety and efficacy of utilizing Tesla BioHealing technology as a new method to address chronic stroke. Tesla Biohealing is teaming up with First Institute of All Medicines, a non-profit organization, to conduct the first of its kind Tesla MedBed, Triple Blinded, placebo-controlled, two-group randomized clinical study to further assess what Life Force Energy medical devices can do for people.
You can find more Information about Tesla MedBed Biohealing as well as how you can become a Chronic Stroke study participant at www.teslabiohealing.com
Know the signs of spotting a stroke. If you know someone who may be having a stroke, call 9-1-1 immediately.
We rely on your support to change the lives of people affected by stroke. Please help us to make a difference today.
Think you are too young for a Stroke? Stroke in young adults is on the rise at an alarming rate. Drug abuse, vaping, and alcohol abuse are a few issues that Pathways will focus on to raise awareness in middle school, high schools, colleges and local clubs. Our goal is to also partner with the USO, as the rate of stroke in our military men and women are rising.

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